
Welcome to Kid Classes Online!

Welcome to Kid Classes Online!

Interacting with others is key to children learning. Whether you are working with your kids, or teachers are working with your kids, or kids are working with each other, there is just no substitute. As fun as the gamification is for certain learning skills, or as advanced as videos are, they cannot compete with live interaction.

And if we didn’t know that before, we sure know it now since so many students have been forced into home learning due to the virus. Some parents are perfectly suited to homeschooling their children, but this has certainly been a struggle for us. If my wife or I try to sit our 5 year old down and teach her something she’s not really interested in, it’s like pulling teeth. Thank goodness my wife has a bit more patience than I have.

We see something different happen though as soon as our daughter is with other kids who are learning and answering questions. All of a sudden she’s more involved, and she definitely doesn’t want to be left out while the other kids are joining in.

And that’s where we come in! We’re not here to replace you, or teachers, but we’re here to supplement your child’s education with real interaction between an instructor and other students. And let me add that a child choosing a specific topic for a class that he or she is interested in, is a whole lot different than what we’ve seen in distanced learning. The classes are small, the instructors are focused, and the kids are having fun!

Tobin Felfe, CEO of Live Classes Online