Financial Literacy for Simplicity

Financial Literacy for Simplicity

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Class Description


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Class Requirements


A mind ready for expansion- not to focus on a mansion, but to realize the key points in banking, so that later on they will keep on thanking. 🙂


Class Supplies


Whatever makes you comfortable for notes, and a calculator of course! If the parents have a sample check, that would be great!



Question Invisibility to Impulse Buys: I can spot a sale from three aisles away and still walk out empty-handed. (Okay, maybe with just one discounted candle. It sparks joy, okay?)

Answer 1Interest Rate Telepathy: I know what your credit card’s thinking: ‘Charge it all!’ But fear not—I’ll teach you how to outwit those sneaky interest rates so you can pass it on to your parents and look super great.

No Schedules Currently Available.