Writing from Nature

Writing from Nature

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Class Description


Many children’s relationships with writing are negative, or at the very least unenthusiastic. This is likely because all the writing they have done has been in relation to school projects they have no interest in. The aim of this class is to change this pattern, to help kids discover that they love writing.
This class focuses on the autonomy of the student, providing engaging prompts, yet allowing them the freedom to write how they want. By engaging with the writing in nature we will provide a wonderful option for inspiration with their writing, as well as an environment that is beneficial for their attention, wellbeing, and engagement.
As an outdoor educator of 10+ years the instructor Caelan Angell has experience inspiring curiosity through the art of questioning, storytelling, and writing. This program will inspire and empower your child to develop their writer’s voice while providing a foundation to become a potent writer.


Class Requirements


This program requires a place to sit and write outside with as much greenery as possible. This could range from a neighborhood park to a balcony, to a front porch. Nature is all around us if we just take the time to notice it.


Class Supplies





We live in an urban area without much nature around us, will my child still be able to participate?

Yes! Nature is everywhere if we just slow down long enough to notice. Whether an ant colony in the sidewalk, a flock of crows, or a warren of bunnies, there is a lot of other-than-human life to notice in cities.

No Schedules Currently Available.